Phrase Nodes

In the AX Cockpit Phrase nodes are used to build up complex grammatical structures and for this, they provide the higher level grammatical and semantic instances of the nouns and define the relationship to the according adjectives. This will output related groups of words grammatically correct, similar to Noun Containers.

The phrase node can then be included (via a variable) in one or more statements.

As a translation unit Phrase nodes appear in the Translate App as Phrase item.

Elements in Phrase Nodes

Phrase nodes have three sections, not all of which need to be filled in. The content of each section can come from the data or be inserted directly and can contain Branches Containers and Trigger.

  1. The noun field holds the word or word group that will be used in the Statements

  2. The adjective field contains the lemma of an adjective which will be automatically grammatically adjusted to the noun when outputted.

  3. The head noun field is used to provide grammar information for more complex noun compositions. If it is entered it will be used to determine the grammatical behaviour of the noun.