FAQs & Troubleshooting

How can I access the Translate App?

Do I need an AX Cockpit account?

No, you don't need an AX Cockpit account. You only need a confirmed invitation from the cockpit user. If you have your own AX Cockpit account, you can log in to the Translate app without an invitation.


How to Fix Incorrect Word Flections or Missing Words in Containers

In some cases, grammatical errors appear in the Containers after automatic translation. Containers are defined areas (recognizable by the green underlining) that render the dynamic parts in an AX NLG project and can occur in Statement items, Phrase items, and Lookup_entry items.

Depending on the error, you can take different correction actions to fix them.
These are the most common errors:

  • Prepositions are missing or incorrect
  • Determiners are missing or wrong
  • Noun forms are inflected incorrectly
  • Adjectives are inflected incorrectly


Errors that occur outside Containers can be manually edited directly in the text field.

Containers as Providers of Grammatical Correctness

Ensuring the grammatical correctness of variable text parts that come directly from or are derived from the data is an important function of Containers.

In AX projects, there are three different types of containers: Verb Containers, Pronoun Containers and Noun Containers. Since Noun Containers are by far the most common, this chapter explains how to resolve these. More information about containers can be found in the general reference.

In Noun containers the ensuring of the grammatical correctness applies to the noun or adjective itself, as well as to additional associated word groups that are grammatically directly related to the derived noun (or adjective). They are configured in the same container as well. These groups of words (also referred to as phrases) can contain any of five types of words that have these characteristics:

  1. Nouns can either come from the data, in which case this was configured when the ruleset was created in the AX Cockpit or be entered directly into the text field by hand. In case of manual entries, the base grammatical form (lemma)of the noun is provided.


You can tell if the noun comes from the data by the fact that the variable field is filled with a name, while the Noun lemma field is empty.

There are a few cases where the Noun Lemma field contains another Container instead of the lemma, which can be recognized by the green underline. The noun then also comes from the data.

  1. Associated determiners (definite, indefinite, demonstrative etc) The type of determiner is selected from a dropdown menu. Then creating the agreement to the noun is then done automatically.
  2. Prepositions are always manually entered. They often affect the grammatical case of the noun, which is then specified in the noun settings.
  3. Adjectives: similar to nouns, adjectives come from the data or can be entered manually into the text field (also lemma form).
  4. Numerals: are always derived from the data.

Correcting Wrong or Missing Prepositions

With automated translation, prepositions may in some cases either be missing, positioned outside a container instead of inside, or incorrect in the container. The solution is to correct the preposition in the container.

  • Click on the Container in the translated statement.
  • Inside the Container settings go to the preposition tab.
  • Insert the correct preposition.
  • Control the settings in this container, especially in the Noun tab: Different prepositions go with different grammatical cases, so check if the grammatical case is correct.


You can only make any changes in the containers in the target language, the settings of the source language remain unchanged.

Fixing Incorrectly Flected Nouns

The incorrect inflection of nouns can have different causes, on which again the correction depends.

  • For nouns that do not come from the data, the lemma may be entered incorrectly. In this case, correct the lemma in the container.
  • Check the grammatical settings of the containers for the nouns from the data as well as for the manually entered ones:
    • Is the grammatical case set correctly?
    • Is the number correct?
    • Is the set gender correct?
  • In case the switch is set to named entity, the noun will not be inflected. If this is wrong for the target language, you can reset the switch here. It is best to consult the cockpit user about such major changes.
  • Copy grammar from role: At this point, the Cockpit user specifies where the grammatical settings for this container come from. This way, the individual settings (number, grammatical case, etc.) no longer need to be entered individually; instead, a reference is made to another container with the set role name, from which the settings are derived. You should check if the role name and the resulting grammatical references are correct. If not, contact the Cockpit user for further clarification.

Editing Head Nouns and Creating Lexicon Entries

In some cases, the error is not in the container settings, but rather in the fact that the software cannot form the correct forms because necessary information on grammar and grammar forms is missing. Such information about the words is stored in an associated lexicon. If this is the case, you will get an instruction in the footer of the container that this information is missing and you have to create an entry. In this case you have two options:

  1. Edit Headnoun If the word is a compound noun, you can select the part of the word that contains the grammatical information. For the German word Gesichtsmaske this would be maske. Click on the edit headnoun icon in the Noun Lemma text field and move the marks to include the word part maske. It may now be that this word part is in the lexicon, and thus the software has enough information on to inflect the compound word.
  2. Create a Lexicon Entry If the software does not recognize the headnoun either, you have to create a lexicon entry. By clicking on the error message, you will get to the lexicon mask for this word. When you have entered the required declensions, you can save them. With this you have provided the necessary grammatical information.

Then change the test object to check whether the changes also lead to correct results for the other test object.


You can only detect missing lexicon entries for the text variants that are based on the test objects available to you. Therefore, always test all test objects to discover as many missing entries as possible!

Correcting Wrong Adjectives

When troubleshooting, adjectives work the same as nouns. Lexicon entries may also be missing for them, for example.

Adjusting Determiners

In the case of automated translation, the most common determiner error is the omission of the determiner in the Container. Therefore, check to see if the determiner associated with the noun appears in the Container. In some cases, the original language project did not include the determiner in the container, but left it in the plain text. This works for languages like English that do not have determiner agreements. In this case, coordinate the corrections with the cockpit user.

Incorrect determiner forms are usually due to incorrect grammar settings for the noun - so check these.

Checking Conjunctions in Containers with Group Variables

Noun Containers with Group variables have additional settings to control the output of lists. To check the translation, make sure the Conjunction for last entry is correct and not omitted by the automated translation. If this setting is left empty, the last item will be separated by a comma.


In cases where the list consists of only one element, it is easy to miss a conjunction error because the conjunction does not appear in the overview. Therefore, it is advisable to always check the container settings for containers with Group Variables.